CranioSacral Therapy, also commonly known as CST has been around for many years but has been gaining in popularity recently. Here at Ion Osteopaths, we are all CST or cranial practitioners as well as osteopaths. Jonathan is fundamentally a cranial osteopath, and this is where it can get a little confusing so let me clear some of this up.
CST was 'invented' by a man called John Upledger, and he was an Osteopathic Doctor in the USA he realized that skull bones move and the profound effect that this could have on how he treated his clients. He also realized that you didn't need to be an Osteopath to do this work, so he started teaching it to anyone who was interested, and it has now become a worldwide teaching institute. There are many other schools that also teach CST. Within the Osteopathic community, there are osteopaths who practice - cranial osteopathy - from which CST was derived.
There will always be robust discussion...